We strive on saving unwanted, discarded and sometimes forgotten furniture. Revive your home with re-furbished furniture.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Rosebowl flea market
So Tomarrow, September 8th, ill be a vendor at the Rosebowl FleaMarket. Great. All my cool finds ( you know, the ones that you say "ill just keep for now")will possibly find new homes. Like my precious ironstone...some clocks, wire baskets/metal buckets, the whole knob collection ( I mean e v e r y t h i n g), my iron birdcage, oh the pretty lamps.... They'll be up for grabs. I guess it's a good thing that I'm doing this, I can't keep everything I like, only things I'm attached to.
I love making tags for items!
So come and buy my things! Along with a wide variety of mid century, refurbished furniture and so much other odds and ends! Oops!!! I haven't had a chance to take a photo of things ill be having for sale...
Just some...I mean SOME. There's a whole lot more where that came from...
We're in the orange area at KK06
Thanks for reading!
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