
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Keeper

I'm so picky when it comes to picking my own pieces. it has to be unique, something you don't see often... I've been searching for a cabinet/ bookcase for such a long time. I mean lonngggg time. They're either very plain and cheap, or omg gorgeous but expensive!! I'm not gonna lie, I'm more on the cheapo side. So after a long time of searching for nothing, I kinda forgot about it.... Until recently I found this! I went to an estate sale specifically for her (and other things)! luckily no one grabbed her before me.

I didn't want to paint her. She was just on the tired side, her wood was dried out and was orange! I didn't have to do any prepping, just got straight to staining. I did stain her Kona thinking the orange tones would make it be more of a dark walnut, but it turned out even better, very dark with red undertones.. Just how I like it!

She's now home to many of the lovely finds I've kept throughout countless pickings.

I need to invest In a better lens! This ones not so great.

Thanks for looking!


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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rosebowl flea market

So Tomarrow, September 8th, ill be a vendor at the Rosebowl FleaMarket. Great. All my cool finds ( you know, the ones that you say "ill just keep for now")will possibly find new homes. Like my precious ironstone...some clocks, wire baskets/metal buckets, the whole knob collection ( I mean e v e r y t h i n g), my iron birdcage, oh the pretty lamps.... They'll be up for grabs. I guess it's a good thing that I'm doing this, I can't keep everything I like, only things I'm attached to.

I love making tags for items!

So come and buy my things! Along with a wide variety of mid century, refurbished furniture and so much other odds and ends! Oops!!! I haven't had a chance to take a photo of things ill be having for sale...

Just some...I mean SOME. There's a whole lot more where that came from...

We're in the orange area at KK06

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Simple Bedroom Set

Here's a recent project that I've finished in this past month.... A mid century bedroom set. Yes Mid Century. I actually felt bad painting it... It had beautiful grain but there was just too much veneer missing to restain it and not look blotchy because underneath the veneer was a totally different wood and would catch differently... Soo paint it is!

This was 2 weeks ago....

This is now!

Ahh so fresh! I wanted something cool so I mixed up another one of my grey/ blue colors ( I have so many versions) and came up with this one. And I strictly used dark walnut for the top (I usually mix). I stood simple on this one because the pieces  are simple!

 The knobs I did change to add lovely detail. I got a whole box of these awesome vintage knobs and others  for practically nothing and I don't think I'll be running out  of them soon!

These pieces are for sale as a set or separately 

Thanks for looking!


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